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A pipe smoking ESB workman pictured happily putting up the Christmas Lights outside Kelliher's Chemist and Camera House and The Emerald Cafe in High Street, Killarney in 1974. The lights in Killarney have come a long way since and are the envy of many a town in Ireland now. High Street was two way for cars back then, late night shopping was in Mangan's Store and across the road was the only chip shop in town run by the Lyne family. Kellihers Camera House has changed many times since being a pharmacy. It used to house Burgerland and now its a Paddy Power betting office.
Photo: macmonagle.com
Killarney Now & Then - MacMONAGLE photo archives.
Facebook - @killarneynowandthen Christmas In Killarney Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce
Photo: macmonagle.com
Killarney Now & Then - MacMONAGLE photo archives.
Facebook - @killarneynowandthen Christmas In Killarney Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce
Don MacMonagle