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A group of past and present priests who have ministered in the Killarney Parish gathered for a reunion on St. Patrick's Day to celebrate the 150th anniversary of St. Marys Cathedral. Front from left are Archdeacon Michael Murphy, Fr. John Shine, Bishop Bill Murphy, Mons Micheal Leahy, Canon Declan O'Connor and Fr Micheal Galvin. Second row from left are Tadgh Fleming (Sacristan), Fr Larry Kelly, Fr Kieran O'Sullivan, Fr Martin Hegarty, Fr Gearoid Walsh, Fr Brendan Walsh, Fr Jack Fitzgerald and Fr Sean Hanafin. Third row from left are Fr George Hayes, Fr Liam Lovell, Fr Niall Howard, Fr Pat Griffin, Fr Denis O'Mahony and Fr Kevin McNamara. Back from left are Fr Kevin O'Sullivan, Canon Michael Fleming, Fr Pat O'Donnell, Fr John Kennelly, Fr John Kerin, Fr Kieran O'Brien and Fr Liam Lynch..Picture: Eamonn Keogh (MacMonagle, Killarney)
Don MacMonagle