Dingle's wild friendly dolphin known affectionetely as 'Fungi' has reached 50 years according to local scientists. But even at 50 Fungi, as our pictures taken this weekend show, he is as sprightly as ever. Fungi arrived in Dingle bay in 1983 and has been seen by well over 3,000,000 tourists over the past 20 years. To this day Fungi can be seen swimming close to boats and doing 10ft flips in the harbour. Local tour operators charge 10 euro for a trip to see Fungi with the provisio that should you not see him you get your money back!. (very few people received a refund)..Fungi is as important to Dingle tourism as the lakes are to Killarney. Queues of over 100 people on the pier waiting forthe next boat trip are a daily sight during the month of August..Picture by Don MacMonagle.Full story by Anne Lucey