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The Torc Great Southern Hotel Staff Participation council made a presentation to the Killarney Entente Florale project this week. Seated from left are Linda Hickey, Sheila Casey, Yvonne Quill, Entente Florale committee, Freda Darcy, Torc GSH Manager, Jonathan Harty and Fiona Mangan. Second row from left are Margaret O' Keeffe, Mary Fell, Regina O' Donoghue, Sheila Mckenna, Josie Moloney, Breda McCarthy, Teresa Cross. Back from left are Mary MacMonagle, Jimmy Coffey, Natasha Collins, Chris Looney, Evelyn O' Sullivan, Veronica Dorner, Mary O' Doherty, Donal Phelan and Ruth Connolly.
Pic: Eamonn Keogh (MacMonagle, Killarney)
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